Sea Freight

The need for securing Cargo

Cargo is generally loaded onto the ship when it is steady, upright or has the practical trim astern. There are many external forces acting on the ship when it sails out, which can be a threat, especially for container ships carrying a lot of load. Cargo that is not secured well can get damaged. Damage can also occur to the vessel’s structures and fittings.It is, therefore, imperative that the cargo is secured well with all safety measures on board. This

GTCFI is a World Leader

GT Cargo Fittings India Pvt. Ltd (GTCFI), a subsidiary of GT Factors, UK has been providing an extensive and exclusive range of Wire Formed, Pressed/Stamped and Drop Forged Steel End Fittings with all dimensions to various clients, according to their needs, since August 2000. Right from a nascent stage, GTCFI was able to capture almost 75% of the total market requirement for Automotive, Shipping, Logistics, and Transport industries due largely to its commitment to total customer satisfaction.